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Traveling with Celiac

I’m traveling this week. My husband and I are in Boston this week! Yay us!!

But, I haven’t done much research in where to eat and I didn’t pack a bag of treats for the flight or in the room. I just didn’t do it.

So, I’m going to tell you what I’ve found so far on this trip.

I went to the airport in Atlanta today. It was lunch time and I was starting to get a bit hungry. My gate was across the hallway from Shake Shack. I’ve eaten at Shake Shack not he past and it was AWESOME! There are some issues with Shake Shack though. The gluten free buns are amazing – soft, delicious, just really, really good. However, if you read their gluten free disclaimer, they recycle and filter their oil. They mix the oil that cooked the onion rings with the oil that cooks the French fries that are gluten free. So, there can be an issue there. I didn’t want to test my system, so I skipped it.

I looked into one of the newsstands. They had some really awesome snacks – mozzarella wrapped in prosciutto, cheddar and uncured sopratesta, or a variety of cured meats without crackers. There were some options with cured meat, cheese, and a nut, like almonds or peanuts. I gotta say with a bag of chips and a drink, that, to me, is a light meal. Protein, cheese and cured meat, carbohydrate with chips, and a drink to make sure you are hydrated. A bottled juice can even be used as a “vegetable”.

I chose a smoothie with protein powder and it held me until about 5.

On the flight, Delta had Kind bars!

Once checked into the hotel, I walked to a nearby Whole Foods to grab some cider and a bag of popcorn. I haven’t eaten dinner – but I’m fully anticipating a great gluten-free meal.

My point to this post – is that gluten free eating on the go can be done pretty easily. I know that it is exceptionally stressful to leave our safe bubble. Many of us have completely gluten free homes and it is hard to get out of that bubble – both to eat out and travel outside of our safe zones. I don’t want this disease to keep us locked into our safe zones. I want us to feel safe and confident that we can get out of our houses and be safe.

So, travel, relax, and enjoy!

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